There have been numerous calls in recent weeks from many NGOs, advocates and community groups for a system of regularisation of undocumented people in Ireland.
The Irish Times have reported that a coalition of business leaders, trade unions and community groups have submitted an open letter calling for such a system of regularisation to Fianna Fail and Fianna Gael. The coalition are seeking “urgent regularisation” of undocumented workers, many of whom are in frontline essential sectors.
The report outlines that this coalition consists of 21 national organisations, made up of amongst others, the Restaurant Association of Ireland and Family Carers Ireland.
The Migrant Rights Centre of Ireland have highlighted that many undocumented persons are working in our country in essential services during this crisis, including carers, those caring for the elderly and unwell, healthcare workers, cleaners, those involved in retail, food processing and agriculture.
Our country is relying on the essential work of undocumented persons more so than ever, during this unprecedented crisis. Undocumented people are risking their own health and well being to support Ireland during the Covid-19 pandemic, whilst continuing to live in fear and uncertainty regarding their future in the State.
The Irish Times have reported that a Department of Justice spokesman has urged anyone who is undocumented to apply to regularise their status:
“A pragmatic approach is taken in relation to each case, which is considered on its individual merits. Ireland, along with other member states of the EU, has committed, under the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum (2008), to a case-by-case approach as opposed to mass regularisation.”
The full Irish Times article can be accessed here:
If you are an undocumented person, currently working in Ireland in the provision of essential services or are affected by matters raised in this article, please feel free to contact us to confidentially discuss your case with our solicitors.