On the 9th March 2022, the Department of Justice published an information page on Temporary Protection for persons fleeing the conflict in Ukraine. It is indicated that the categories of persons eligible for temporary protection are as follows:

  • Ukrainian nationals who were residing in Ukraine before 24 February 2022;
  • Nationals of a third country (other than Ukraine) or stateless persons who would have benefited from international protection (e.g. Refugee status) or an equivalent national protection status in Ukraine and have been residing there before 24 February 2022
  • Family members of persons covered by a) and b) where the family already existed in Ukraine at the time of events leading to the mass influx prior to 24 February.
  • Those family members include a spouse or partner, unmarried minor children of either of them, and their other close dependent family relatives who have been living with them as part of the family unit.


It will also apply to people who had been residing in Ukraine before 24 February 2022 with a permanent Ukrainian residence permit, who cannot safely return to their country of origin.

Temporary protection may also be extended to other people who were legally residing in Ukraine who cannot safely return to their country of origin, including nationals from non-EU countries or stateless persons. People who can safely return to their country of origin will be assisted to do so.

Persons who are eligible for temporary protection will obtain a letter on arrival at Dublin Airport confirming this. The letter will give the holder permission to reside for twelve months, access to the labour market, plus access to public services.

Persons who are eligible for temporary protection and arrived in the State between the 24th February 2022 and the 9th March 2022 will not have received the temporary protection letter. The Department is making urgent arrangements to provide the temporary protection letter to this group of people.

The information notice does not address the situation of Ukrainians who arrived in the State prior to the 24th February 2022. Our office is making enquiries regarding the Department’s position on accepting applications for temporary protection from this category of persons.

If you are in this category, you should seek legal advice on your options, including the option  of submitting an application for international protection.



Please review the information note in full at the following link:
