The INIS has launched the new scheme for non-EEA nationals who held a student permission in the State during the period 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2010 to apply for permission to remain.
This scheme applies to non-EEA persons who commenced their presence in the State lawfully under a student permission with a limited right to work and who maintained that lawful presence for at least two years.
The scheme will permit qualifying persons to remain in the State with a right to work for 2 years on Stamp 4S conditions.
After two years, holders of Stamp 4S will be granted a permission to reside in the State for a further year under Stamp 4 conditions.
Family reunification is not permitted under this scheme. However, with regard to family unity, if you qualify under this Scheme the family circumstances of persons already in the State will be taken into consideration.
Applications under the Scheme will be accepted for three months until Sunday 20th January, 2019.
Am I Eligible to apply?
In order to be eligible to apply for Stamp 4S under the new scheme the following eligibility criteria apply:
- first registered as a student with the immigration authorities on or after 1 January 2005, but not later than 31 December 2010 and commenced your presence in the State lawfully under a student permission with a limited right to work;
- have remained in permission since then, or if not, have had a minimum of two years’ registered student permission;
- have attempted to avoid being unlawfully in the State through engaging with the immigration authorities;
- have not had your immigration stamp changed other than a student type permission, for example been granted a work permit, family reunification or other legal status;
- are living in the State continuously since your arrival in the State and can provide supporting documentary evidence of your continued presence in the State at least throughout 2016, 2017 and 2018 to date;
- are of good character and of good conduct;
- have no adverse criminal record in this State or any other jurisdiction;
- have been lawfully employed in the State while under student permission, evidenced by furnishing P60 forms or P45 forms;
- can provide a history of your enrolment/registration as a student, including details of any qualification(s) gained.
How to I apply?
The INIS have announced that applications under the Scheme will be accepted for three months until Sunday 20th January, 2019.
All applications 2010 must be submitted online.
You must complete the Special Scheme for students from 01/01/2005 to 31/12/2010 application form and submit it with all the required documentation.
INIS will not accept applications by post.
You are required to provide the following documents:
- Completed application form; and
- Full colour copy of all pages of your past and current passports showing all your immigration permissions to be in the State or any other country including all exit and entry stamps from any country from the period of 2005 to date; and
- Where possible, a copy of your latest Irish Residence Permit (IRP) or GNIB Card; and
- Financial documentation proving continuous residence in the State. This may include copies of tax returns and other State issued documents;
- Evidence that you have lived in Ireland up to the present day – copies of utility bills, tenancy agreement;
- Documentation showing links with your local community is also helpful.
You should provide your documents in good order and all documents should be clearly eligible.
What will happen after I apply?
- The INIS have not provided an expected processing time and state that the processing time will vary depending on the number of applications received.
- If you are successful, you will receive a letter of approval in the post and be granted a 4S permission to remain in the State for two years.
- After two years, if you have adhered to the terms of your permission you will be granted a Stamp 4 permission for a further 12 months.
- Your permission to reside on Stamp 4 conditions is renewable after 12 months if you have adhered to the conditions of that permission.
Can I appeal a refusal of my application?
- If your application is unsuccessful, we will advise you of the Minister’s decision in writing and the reasons why your application was refused.
- You can request a review of the decision on your application to this scheme within 20 working days of your refusal letter.
For full details of the scheme please see the following links on the INIS webpage: